Elderberry Springs Farm
Meet Marie & Joe from Elderberry Springs Farm, local Petersburgh, NY business
They are a local supplier of elderberry syrups, tinctures and dried products made from Elderberries grown on their farm orchard in Petersburgh, NY USA!
Everyone is invited to meet them to learn about elderberries! Come try & learn about:
Regular Elderberry Syrup
Sugar Free Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry Tincture
Hot Elderflower Tea
Elderflower Cordial
Meet Marie & Joe, Sat, Jan 13th, 2 pm- 4 pm
Elderberry Springs Farm’s #1 Ingredient in all of our syrups is actually ELDERBERRIES!
Elderberries are grown at our Farm Orchard in Petersburgh, New York where they produce Sugar-Free Elderberry Syrup and Traditional Elderberry Syrup that the whole family can love. They are proud to make truly natural syrups and produce an Elderberry Product line that includes Dried Elderberries, Dried Elderflowers, Elderberry Powder, Elderberry Tincture, Elderberry Jelly, and Elderberry Cuttings for establishing your own Elderberry Bushes.
Their story started in 1988 with the purchase of a former sheep farm on the New York side of the Williamstown, Massachusetts border. All of the pastures were segmented for rotational grazing, and Elderberries were growing everywhere along those fence lines. With no desire to raise livestock, we removed all of the fencing, but the elderberries remained. For years they unsuccessfully tried to eradicate the wild Elderberry Bushes from the spring fed slopes to keep the pastures open. In 2013 when the latent farming “urge” surfaced again (both of the owners came from farming families) they wrestled with what to grow, totaling ignoring what Mother Nature had been showing them for decades with the Elderberries on their moist hill side pastures (LOL!) Finally, although very slow on the uptake, they realized that the answer to growing a healthy high quality food product has always been on their land!
Fast forward to today and they have become the Northeast’s first Inspected, Certified, and Licensed “Elderberry Only” Nursery along with offering a complete line of Elderberry and Elderflower products. To quote a famous comedy movie, they jokingly say that our Orchardist life will be complete if our present and future grandchildren remember that “we smelled of Elderberries”!!!
Elderberry Springs Farm
New vendor at Wild Oats Market in February 2022
ELDERBERRY SYRUP (Traditional) - Elderberries are the #1 ingredient, followed by Cane Sugar and Organic Lemon Juice in this bar coded 8 oz. bottle. Great taken straight or as a mixer for Seltzer, Gin, and Vodka. A natural immune booster that is historically known to shorten the duration of Colds & Flu.
SUGAR-FREE ELDERBERRY SYRUP - Elderberries are still the #1 ingredient, but this syrup is sweetened with "Monk Fruit Sweetener “in this bar coded 8 oz. bottle. This product is for the "KETO" crowd and will not spike one's blood sugar. Great taken straight or as a mixer for Seltzer, Gin, and Vodka. A natural immune booster that is historically known to shorten the duration of Colds & Flu.
DRIED ELDERBERRIES - For folks that wish to make their own pure organic elderberry juice or syrup. A wonderful Syrup Recipe on the back of the freestanding 8 oz. pouch.
DRIED ELDERFLOWERS - For people that wish to make organic Elderflower Tea or a Non-Alcoholic Cordial for cake and muffin baking. Recipes on the back of the barcoded freestanding 4 oz. pouch.
ELDERBERRY POWDER - Ground Organic Elderberries that lends themselves well for blending into smoothies or a partial flour substitution for baking. Packaged in a freestanding 4 oz. bar coded pouch.
ELDERBERRY TINCTURE - A convenient way (2 oz. barcoded eyedropper bottle) to consume organic Elderberries in a very potent form. Ideal as a Natural Antihistamine for the Hay Fever sufferers or a Natural Anti-Inflammatory for the Sciatica sufferers.
For More Information Contact: Contacts: Joe and Marie Longhi, Elderberry Springs Farm, LLC., 806 Taconic Trail, Petersburgh, New York 12138 U.S.A. Tel: 518-659-1411 Visit Elderberry's Website Link
Wild Oats Market
Wild Oats Market is a socially responsible co-op serving our Berkshire County community shoppers since 1982!
Anyone can shop and select items from local vendors offering more than 1,000 locally made products, specialty, organic, and sustainable items.
While shopping in the store you may find our team preparing foods, marinating items, cooking prepared items, and packaging products.
During your visit, you may even smell an aroma of delicious food made by us with our teams’ culinary expertise.