Wild Oats is a socially responsible co-op market serving our member-owners and our Northern Berkshire County community since 1982. All shoppers are welcome. We sell more than 1000 locally made products and we love organic and sustainable, too!

Come #ShopTheCoop

Call (413) 458-8060


Open Daily 8 AM - 8 PM

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At Wild Oats, all shoppers are welcome, but our Member-Owners play a special role in making our co-op function and thrive. We’re not just independent and locally owned, we’re cooperatively owned by 1800+ members of our community!


Ways to save

Our co-op offers healthy options for everyone, including a range of choices to make shopping for local, organic and sustainable items more affordable for all customers. These include programs like Co+op Basics and Healthy Food For All as well our Co+op Deals flyer, our in-house Fresh Deals and Wild Deals!

Giving Back

Concern for community is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles, which makes sense since we’re owned by a diverse cross-section of our own. Through donations, sponsorships and collaborative programs like Every Penny Counts (Formerly Round Up For Change), supporting those in need is an integral part of our business model.


Promoting and practicing environmental stewardship is part of our Ends Policy and a responsibility we take seriously. Although we and the community face challenges in this area, we continue to support local and fair-trade food production, renewable energy, composting, recyclable packaging and more.

Thank you for your support and voting us Best Produce of the Berkshires!

We are so grateful for your support in voting Wild Oats Market, Best Produce of the Berkshires, for six consecutive years in a row (2018 - 2023)!

Thanks to all who voted and thank you local producers for consistently delivering quality produce!