eNewsletter - September 6, 2023

Enjoy this week's savings opportunities and news updates!
Sunday is Grandparents Day and the bakery has delicious house made treats you can grab to celebrate. And, be sure to check out all the ways you can save, photos from recent week activities and more:
New Wellness Vendor:
Malama Mushrooms
New Saving Opportunities:
Wild Weekly Deals
Wild Weekend Deals
Wild Tuesday Deals
Field Day BOGO & Giveaway Winner
Two Sale Tuesday - Sept 12, 2023
Williams College Freshman Welcome
Meet the Ahlbin's Fire Cider Vendor
Cheese Festival
New Recipes:
Mushroom, Cauliflower & Thyme
Parmesan Pork Chops
Every Penny Counts
Member-Owners / Community Assistance Program / Co+op Explorer Kids
Shopping Tip: "Choose fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season for better flavor and lower prices."
Open Daily 8 am to 8 pm
Location Wild Oats Market, 320 Main St, Williamstown, MA 01267
Please click the link above to read the newsletter for this week’s store detail updates.