Thank You From The GM


I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for your support and cooperation as we navigate this pandemic together as a community.

Those of us in the retail grocery business often feel overlooked and underappreciated, but you have shown the staff at Wild Oats that we are more than just clerks to you.

Your continued patronage, insightful conversations, willingness to express concerns and respectful words of gratitude have made us feel like an essential part of this community we serve.

I have personally rediscovered my lost love for retail through these interactions and look forward to the pleasure of having many more of them with you.

Through the offerings we provide, you allow us into your lives. Our efforts are part of the meals you prepare with your families, holidays and special events, and even the unfortunate moments in life.

Food has the amazing ability to bring people together, especially when it's locally sourced, crafted with care and the proceeds stay within the community.

Thank you for not only allowing us to provide you with healthy food choices, but for allowing us into your homes. Thank you for showing me that we aren't simply selling food here. We're helping to strengthen our community.

I am more grateful than you may ever know.

Netse Lytle
Your General Manager at Wild Oats


Wild Weekend Deals 1/22 - 1/24


Patronage Rebate Checks