COVID Update 2/7

This morning a member of our grocery staff notified management of a positive test result for COVID-19.

The teammate last worked in the store yesterday, following all established safety guidelines during that shift.

No other employees qualify as close contacts, so we do not expect the rest of the staff to be impacted.

We will continue to monitor this situation in close coordination with our local health inspector, Jeff Kennedy, and take all appropriate actions as directed by the latest CDC guidelines.

To date, this is the sixth member of our staff to test positive. In each case, these employees were exposed to an infected person outside the store, and, to our knowledge, neither acquired nor spread the virus during their work at the co-op thanks to longstanding workplace protocols such as mask use and social distancing.

We continue to encourage our guests to please adopt these same guidelines when entering public spaces like our co-op, including shopping alone whenever possible, making use of the multiple sanitizing stations around the store and carefully adhering to our mask mandate.

Weekday curbside pickup is still available for any interested customers.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our General Manager, Netse Lytle, at (413) 458-5317 x13 or


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