Changes To Our Mask Policy

As of Friday, June 25th, we will no longer ask those who are fully vaccinated to wear a mask when visiting Wild Oats. Facial coverings will still be required for those who are not fully vaccinated.

I am very grateful for all the positive feedback we received in support of our safety-first approach to this point. The extra time not only allowed staff members to get vaccinated, but it also gave me the opportunity to monitor the overall vaccination rate in Berkshire County as it slowly rose to a point where I was comfortable making this change.

Please be advised that I reserve the right to adjust this course of action should the community infection rate increase or if other conditions warrant additional steps to protect the safety of our staff and our guests.

Thank you for your continued support. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the policies here at the co-op, please feel free to reach out to me directly in person, by email at or by phone at (413) 458-5317 x13.

Netse Lytle
General Manager


Wild Weekend Deals 6/25-6/27


Interacting With Our Board