ARDEI Panel Coming April 7th

On Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 P.M., the Wild Oats Board Committee on Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ARDEI) will host its next online panel, Justice in Food Production.

The food we eat touches many human lives before it reaches our plates. How much do we know about how the process of getting us our food affects those lives? Are those impacts just? Are they equitable?

We will hear from three people whose expertise speaks to these questions.

Dean Cycon is the Founder and CEO of Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company, a certified 100% organic, fair trade and kosher coffee roasting operation.

Johanna Kolodny consults through Food Systems Consulting, where she advises food producers and distributors; her goal is to effect positive change throughout the food system.

Netse Lytle is our co-op’s General Manager. He has more than two decades of experience in the grocery business and oversees all operations at Wild Oats.

Please click here to register to join us!


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